KÖVET – Unified Support System for Traffic Changes

Temporary traffic changes (e.g., track closures, road closures, events, relocation of stops, etc.) are supported by an IT system with process management.

The KÖVET system was entirely developed by eKÖZIG Zrt. for Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zrt. Since 2018, we have been continuously operating the system as a contracted expert partner on BKK’s own IT infrastructure.

Rationale for Development

Problem: Details of measures related to temporary traffic changes need to be recorded by BKK colleagues, causing unnecessary workload.

Goal: In the business world, with widely known and distributed web systems, the data entry tasks of the customer side can be delegated in the processing of administrative processes.

Project Scope and Involved Areas

Traffic Planning: Management of announcements related to traffic changes, internal workflows Other relevant BKK areas: Service management, BKK Info, Strategy and Innovation, Traffic supervision BKÜ Areas: Revenue Assurance Services, Information Partner Relationship Management: User registry, data maintenance Request Management: Reporting area occupancy requests via e-form, with map representation, through a web interface Receipt of Announcements – IT support for planning measures based on announcements – Finalization of requests with the notifier Configurable notification system for changes in processing processes Decision Making: Review and approval of announcements Analyses, Reports: Ad-hoc queries, standard reports

Project Results

Business Results

Modernization of reporting temporary traffic changes with a 24/7 web reporting interface. Modernization of processing external requests with a workflow-driven IT solution. Transparency of workflows, traceability of statuses. Modernization of decision-making processes with an IT solution supporting teamwork. Analyzability of business data, provision of statistics, standard and ad-hoc reports. Ensuring administrative independence with the delegatability of tasks among colleagues, task status indication (active-closed). Ensuring developer independence in handling business parameters, data processability, and extendibility. Optimization of business processes with the updating of regulatory conditions, automation of workflows, and the application of modern, standardized IT solutions. Strengthening data handling and business process security. Economic operability and sustainability of the system (value-preserving flexible expandability, scalability, low TCO).

Technical Results

Delivery of a web technology application optimized for the infrastructure provided by BKK, runnable on the most common browsers. Ensuring the security of personal data handling and network data traffic IT with the integration of the existing BKK internal network (Active Directory) identification system. Minimization of the possibility of erroneous, incomplete data entry. Automatic feedback system developed for events that users can subscribe to. The system’s data model includes all data necessary for analysis and reporting from business and operational perspectives, ensuring the creatability of necessary relationships. User interface providing fast, convenient, ergonomic usability, handling the Hungarian character set. The delivered system can be operated by BKK.

Success Factors of the Project

Faster, more transparent work through the streamlining of reporting restrictions affecting public transportation. Simplification of workflows required for the preparation of traffic schedules, unified, online, transparent communication between BKK’s relevant areas and external partners, faster information flow, and reduced reaction time. Quick queries, managerial reports, and statuses can be retrieved, making restrictions for a specific period transparent, even on a map interface.