eKÖZIG – “Value for partners”
Certified according to MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system
since 2009

e-Government IT systems, e-administration platforms and solutions for more efficient and faster administrative processes.

IT systems and application development
Design, development and hosting of customised IT and GIS systems.

System support and hosting
Expert support or hosting of our systems, even in our own hosting environment.

Legal, privacy and IT security services
GDPR, information security advice and other legal services.

Innovative hardware developments
Engineering design and development of custom hardware, and smart IoT devices.

Precision agriculture
Smart software solutions and innovative hardware developments for agriculture.

Unified support system for public transport changes
- workflow-based IT system for submitting detailed informations about events, roadworks, … affecting public transport – detailed and customized ticketing system with extras
- constant access, web-based, responsive user interface
- controlled data entry
- automated work processes, more modern decision processes
- dynamically customizable notification system
- delegating tasks between colleagues (key user independence)
- the transparency of work processes has improved
- faster information flow, decreasing reaction times
Customer: Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (Centre for Budapest Transport)
Contractor: eKÖZIG Zrt.
Development time: 8 months
Hosting: customer’s headquarter based IT infrastructure, supporting remotely by eKÖZIG experts (VPN)
Technologies, platforms: MS Windows Server, ASP.NET, MS SQL Server, IIS
GIS workflow-based City operation-, green area task management and register system
Customer: Municipality of Debrecen
Contractor: eKÖZIG Zrt.
Development time: 9 months
Hosting: eKÖZIG own IT hosting infrastructure
Data amount: 2-300.000 field items with photo and historicization (>2TB)
Technologies, platforms:
MS Windows Server, ASP.NET, MS SQL Server, IIS, Google/Openstreetmap Maps, MongoDB, Amazon S3 compatible dynamic object storage, own map server with serving custom map layers, custom (own distributed, outside of app store) Android application.